Monday, September 5, 2011

My Love of Cooking and Why You Should Love it Too!

My Love of Cooking and Why You Should Love it Too!

As far back as I can remember from being a little child I remember enjoying cooking. Of course and I was really young, it was mostly just pretend cooking. As I became older I began to experiment with actual cooking on the stove. There is just something about the act of preparing food, that really got me excited gave me a sense of satisfaction.

Anyone who has a passion for cooking will agree with me that there is just something about food. Not being a gregarious person, and one who is known to enjoy the finer things, I have been known to over indulge. In the course of my lifetime I have learned how to control myself when it comes to eating too much. Unfortunately it came too late as I did develop type II diabetes during the course of my life. The point of this article is not to talk about my diabetes, but to talk about the joy of cooking.

When I first started cooking I started with the usual stuff simple things like soups, salads, and easy things like that. My mother and her friends would come over on Wednesday nights and I would be in the kitchen with them drinking brandy and cooking food. It was in these Wednesday night cooking sessions that I actually discovered the joy of creating food. I noticed that more and more people would come over and enjoy the food with us as time went on. Some of the dishes we would create I have not seen since nor ever heard about ever again, I guess that speaks to the fact that we are making things up on the spot… And were probably drunk!

Is my life went on and my passion for cooking grew I began seeking out culinary arts scholarships and culinary arts grants that would help me pay for my cooking schools. It was an easy when I first started seeking out a place to go for my education, mainly due to the fact that there's so much misinformation and garbage on the Internet. But I did stick with it and I was able to find some legitimate scholarship opportunities and I went ahead and applied for several cooking schools as well.

Well I've long since graduated from my culinary arts schooling and now I am working as a head chef my own restaurant which is all I ever wanted. This work is not all walk in the park and it does have some difficult times, but there are a few things that are more satisfying than knowing that you have just served an entire restaurant something that you created yourself back when you were a teenager with your mom and her drunk friends in your kitchen at your childhood home. This is why I became a chef and what drives me to this day it is so satisfying knowing that your heart otherwise known as food is being enjoyed by so many people and you're actually making a little money too.

Cooking and eating out ways of life for me and my family and something that I hope never changes or goes away from my life. Even though I do have diabetes it does not slow me down one bit when it comes to what I eat many of you would be surprise. I actually enjoy more food than most people do. I frequently chow down on dark chocolate, and other yummy things that people with diabetes don't normally eat. Needless to say my numbers are always good I'm very healthy and I enjoy my cooking and I enjoy my life. Diabetes does not have to mean that you can eat what you like, but I guess this is diving into a whole other subject that I'm equally as passionate about. Hope you've enjoyed my brief article and hopefully inspires you to follow your dreams and enjoy your life.